Combined Sales Page (Internal Only)

A centralized place for all sales materials for each brand and entity


Genius Avenue Guide

Brand Guide – 2/9/24

PetGeniusRx Flyers – CREATE OWN TAB


GSF Flyers





Go To Market EBook – NU, MTSF
SEA Proposal Template Doc

Marketing Validation Questions for Discovery

  • All – What are your most prominent distribution channels?
  • If worksite/brokers – Are you able to perform DTC sales?
  • If worksite/brokers – Are you interested in increasing DTC sales?
  • If worksite/brokers – How are you communicating with your distributors?
  • If worksite/brokers – What would make enrolling distributors easier? AND
  • If worksite/brokers – What tools do distributors need to increase adoption.
  • If DTC is the goal – What are your current promotion channels?
  • If DTC is the goal – How would you rank your consumer-facing website?
  • If DTC is the goal – Are you leveraging social media?
  • If DTC is the goal – Are you doing any second chance marketing or remarketing
  • If DTC is the goal – How is your brand positioned vs. competitors?
  • If DTC is the goal – How would you summarize your primary value statement?
  • If DTC is the goal – Is mobile enrollment critical?
  • If DTC is the goal – What metrics and tracking tools are you using? ex. Google Analtyics
  • All – How effective do you think your current marketing efforts are?
  • All – If you could change one thing about your marketing or distribution what would it be?
  • All – Do you have a sense of how much each new customer costs to acquire?
  • All – How long do you retain customers?
  • All – Do you have an in-house marketing team?
  • All – How big is your marketing team? Agency or in-house.
  • What social platforms are you using? How often do you post and interact with your audience on these?
  • Do you invest in digital and print paid advertisements? Which ones and how are your measurements for success?
  • Do you use data-driven personas when creating marketing content and making strategic choices?
  • What marketing platforms do you use to engage your members?

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peppermint Guide

Brand Guide – 2/9/24

Brand Identity – 2/12/24

peppermint Flyers 

Peppermint_Explainer_Existing Plan – updated 4/11/24

Peppermint_Explainer_New Plan – updated 4/11/24

Peppermint vs. Traditional 401k – NU

Go to Market Flyer – 4/11/24

Partner With Us Flyer – 5/24/24

Peppermint401k Explainer – NU

Tax Credit Calculator – NU

Peppermint Pricing and Fee Schedule – 5/24/24

Roles and Responsibilities – Vertical – 5/24/24

Roles and Responsibilities – Horizontal – 5/24/24

Fund Line Up Flyer – Updated 6/6/24

Financial Wellness Flyer – 2/9/24

Plan Options – NU

PEP – Glossary Handout (Peppermintpedia terms) – Updated 6/1/24

401k Lineup Performance – NU

GFWA Peppermint Services– NU


Match Pep Plan – NU

Easy PEP Plan – NU

Flex PEP Plan – NU

Tax Credit Calculator PDF– NU


Easy Math – NU

Holiday V4 – NU

1 Minute Explainer – 4/9/24


Participating Employer Setup Form – Existing Plan – NU

Participating Employer Setup Form – New Plan – NU

Employee Census Template – Used to signup mass list of employees – NU

Form 1 PEP New Plan Doc – NU

Payroll Integration Election Form – NU

Proposal Document 

Sales Proposal Deck – 6/7/24

Sales Proposal Doc – NU

peppermint Sign Up Recordings 

New Account Creation

Transfer New Account

Document Basic Template 


Logos – Color

All Logos

Email (For review ONLY, marketing will deploy)

Business Completed Contract Email
Nurture Sequence
Payment Received Email 

This document lives here

Breakroom Guide 

Breakroom Brand Guide – 2/9/24
New Product Guide – 2/9/24

Breakroom Benefits Flyers 

BB – GTM Flyer – 2/9/24
BB – Our Products Flyer – 2/9/24
BB – Overview Flyer – 2/9/24

Breakroom Club Flyers 

BC – Our Products Flyer – 2/9/24
BC – GTM Flyer – 2/9/24


Breakroom Benefits Demo 
Breakroom Benefits Demo (short version) 


Breakroom Ventures Assets

This Document Lives Here

“No gains without pains.”

– Ben Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanack 1745